Water Conservation Suggestions
Car Washing (A001)

Author: Dan, owner and resident 
Posted: 10-04-2011
I thought these videos were appropriate for the topic. It's only been a few days since the board of directors terminated the ban on washing cars, under the terms of using as little water as possible and using a shutoff nozzle. I've already seen one resident letting the water run without a nozzle. I find this unbelievable. If there is water running down the street, odds are you're using too much water to wash your car. A nozzle will only cost you about $5. Water is the HOA's highest priced resource/service, $175,000 annually. I was probably the number one advocate for having the car washing ban overturned and it's upsetting to see that residents are abusing it right out of the gate. If you see someone washing their car without a nozzle, please let them know that it's necessary to use a shutoff nozzle! This conserves water and will prevent the board of directors from reinstating a NO VEHICLE WASHING policy.

According to www.waterwiser.org, using a nozzle during a standard home car wash can save 70% more water than not using one. That results in a huge cost savings in water and water waste fees. It's a matter of 30 gallons vs 100 gallons. Or 3 gallons vs 10 gallons.  Not using a shutoff nozzle makes no $ense! Use a shutoff nozzle!

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