Pet Regulations

1. All pets on the common areas must be on a leash no longer than six feet long.

2. All pet owners will be held responsible for taking pets to an unlandscaped area for purposes of defecation and urination. Should defecation unavoidably occur on a landscaped area, pet owner is responsible for immediate cleanup.

3. Owners will be held responsible for any damage caused by their pets or their tenant’s pets. An owner shall reimburse the association expenditures the association may incur in the repairing or replacing of any common area and facility damaged through the owner's fault.

4. Any pets found in violation may be detained. Notify the North County Animal Shelter at 746-7307 or 438-2312 to have the detained animal picked up.

5. Any association member, their tenants, or the association landscaper is authorized to endorse the above policy.

6. Pets are not permitted to be tied to any common area. This includes, (But is not limited to) garages, trees, rails, and garage area.

Please see Rules and Regulations for more detail.

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