Architectural Changes

1. No owner or tenant may make any change to the common area without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors. An application for change may be obtained from the management company agent.

2. No exterior antennas may be installed or erected. In addition, no telephone, cable TV, air conditioning or other wiring may be installed on the exterior of any building without the consent of the Board of Directors.

3. Air conditioners and additional wired lights/lighting are all changes to the common area which require the written consent of the Board of Directors before installation.

4. All architectural changes are at the sole cost and expense of the unit owner, and all maintenance costs associated with the changes are the responsibility of the unit owner.

Please complete an Architectural Change Request (Maintenance and Indemnity Form) and submit to Krista at PMC for board approval. 

Please see Rules and Regulations for more detail.

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